1.People who are allergic to Ganoderma Lucidum
Reishi spore oil has many health effects, but we need to know that reishi spore oil is not suitale to everyone, because some people have allergic conditions. So people who are allergic to ganoderma lucidum should not eat reishi spore oil.

2. About ene week before and after surgery
We all know that patients need to take a light diet before and after surgery. They can’t make up for it, nor can they eat more greasy. Therefore, even the health effects of reishi spore oil are particularly good, it is not allowed to eat reishi spore oil about a week before and after surgery.

3. Patients with major bleeding
Patients who are suffering major bleeding are also not allowed to consume reishi spore oil. Otherwise, it is likely to make the disease more serious. Therefore, in order to recover health as soon as possible, patients with major bleeding must stay away from reishi spore oil.

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