Among many Chinese herbal medicines, Cornus officinalis is deeply loved by Chinese medicine enthusiasts for its unique medicinal value and wide range of applications. It can not only be used as medicine, but also a good helper for daily health care. Especially soaking in water and drinking it is simple and easy to do, and has mild medicinal effect, making it the first choice for many people’s daily health care. This article will comprehensively explain the pharmacological effects of Cornus officinalis, the benefits of drinking it by soaking it in water, the methods and contraindications of soaking it in water, etc., to help everyone better understand and use this Chinese herbal medicine.

  1. Pharmacological effects of Cornus officinalis

According to traditional Chinese medicine, Cornus officinalis has a sour and astringent taste and is slightly warm in nature. It belongs to the liver and kidney meridians and has the effects of tonifying the liver and kidneys, astringing and fixing astringency. Modern pharmacological research has confirmed that Cornus officinalis is rich in flavonoids, polysaccharides, organic acids, vitamin C and other ingredients, and has various pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and immune regulation.

  1. The benefits of drinking Cornus officinalis soaked in water are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Clears heat and detoxifies: Helps relieve inflammatory symptoms such as oral ulcers and acne.

Strengthening the spleen and appetizing: Cornus officinalis can stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite, promote digestion and absorption, and has a certain conditioning effect on people with weak spleen and stomach and loss of appetite.

Hemostatic and myogenic: Cornus officinalis is rich in vitamin C and iron, which can promote wound healing and has a certain hemostatic and myogenic effect.

Promote blood circulation: Cornus officinalis is rich in flavonoids and multivitamins, which help expand blood vessels, improve microcirculation, and promote blood circulation.

Regulate blood pressure: The anthocyanins and flavonoids in Cornus officinalis have antihypertensive effects and can help regulate blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.

Improve sleep: Cornus officinalis has a sedative effect, which can relieve anxiety, tension and other emotions and promote sleep.

Cardiotonic effect: Increase myocardial contractility and cardiac output, improve cardiac efficiency.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial: It has a strong inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus epidermidis; it also has an inhibitory effect on enterococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysenteriae, etc.

Anti-stress, anti-oxidation, lowering blood lipids: It can enhance the body’s anti-stress ability, improve its resistance to hypoxia and fatigue, and enhance memory. It can also increase SOD activity in red blood cells, resist lipid peroxidation, reduce serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and resist arteriosclerosis.

  1. Methods and taboos of soaking Cornus officinalisin water and drinking it

Soaking method

(1) Brew directly with boiling water: select dry Cornus officinalis, wash it with clean water and soak it, put it into a clean teacup or teapot, and pour hot water (be careful not to make the water temperature too high, generally no more than 90°C) , soak for 5-10 minutes and drink. You can add an appropriate amount of honey or other condiments to adjust the taste according to your personal taste.

(2) Add other medicinal materials or food ingredients and soak them together: In order to enhance the efficacy of Cornus officinalis or improve the taste, it can be soaked in water together with other medicinal materials or food ingredients. For example, adding black tea or rock sugar can not only increase the taste but also comprehensively exert the nutritional effects of various medicinal materials. You can also follow the doctor’s advice by adding gastrodia elata, wolfberry, etc. to brew it together to enhance its effects of replenishing the liver and kidneys, astringing and fixing astringency.

Taboo on soaking in water

(1) Excessive drinking: Although drinking Cornus officinalis soaked in water has certain health effects, more is not always better. Excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach upset. Therefore, it is recommended to drink an appropriate amount every day, and adjust the amount according to personal physique and needs.

(2) Pregnant women, people with weak constitutions, and patients with hypotension should eat with caution: Since Cornus officinalis has certain pharmacological effects, pregnant women, people with weak constitutions, and patients with hypotension should consult a doctor before eating it to ensure safety. These groups of people have special physical conditions and may have more sensitive or uncertain responses to drugs, so they need to be treated with caution.

(3) Avoid taking it with incompatible drugs: When taking other drugs, care should be taken to avoid incompatible effects with Cornus officinalis. If you need to take other medicines at the same time, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice to ensure safe use.

In short, drinking Cornus officinalis soaked in water has many benefits, such as clearing heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and appetizing, stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth, and promoting blood circulation. During the soaking process, be sure to drink in moderation and follow relevant taboos to ensure safety and effectiveness. At the same time, you should also pay attention to choosing the appropriate method of soaking in water and matching medicinal materials according to your personal physique and needs to achieve the best health care effect.