General Details

Product name: Reishi extract
Plant latin name: Ganoderma lucidum(Leyss.ex Fr.)Karst.
Product specifications: Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides ≥ 12% UV; Triterpenoids 1-28% HPLC
Appearance: Brown powder

Health Benefits

Immune System Booster
Reishi extract can reinforce the immune system. In studies on patients with advanced tumors, researchers discovered an increase in T lymphocytes and decreased CD8 counts after thirty days of prescription of reishi extract. Meanwhile, lesser side effects from chemotherapy and radiation and smoother post-operation recovery were reported. Reishi extract increases antioxidant levels because it is rich in Organic Germanium, Polysaccharides, and Triterpenes, which have been shown to strengthen the immune system.
Cancer Prevention
Studies have shown that reishi extract boosts immunity and fights against cancer cells. Some studies also showed reishi extract might prevent metastasis. And reishi targets many stages of cancer development, including angiogenesis, metastasis, and the migration of cancer cells. It is also believed that reishi induces apoptosis of cancer cells.
Lower Blood Pressure
Studies have shown that reishi extract improves blood flow and lowers oxygen consumption in the heart because of a chain of acids belonging to triterpenes, a group of natural compounds reducing high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and preventing blood clots. Meanwhile, it was also found that reishi extract prevented plaque build-up on artery walls.
Blood Sugar Regulation
Reishi extract has a significant blood sugar-regulating effect. its polysaccharides (including Ganoderans A, B, and C) keep balancing blood sugar, which helps to avoid many problems caused by diabetes, such as hypertension, high blood pressure, ulcers, strokes, and impotence.
Anti-viral Activity
Studies have shown that reishi extract has direct anti-viral effects with herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2, which are strongest in protecting against the contraction of herpes and cold sores and in speeding relief from symptoms. These benefits seem to derive from a compound called GLP, which inhibits viral replication by interfering with the early events of viral absorption and entry into target cells.
Cardiovascular Support
Clinical studies confirm that reishi extract can dilate the coronary artery, increase blood flow, and improve circulation in cardiac muscle capillaries, thus increasing oxygen and energy supply to cardiac muscle. Reishi extract reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and prevents the formation of arterial atheromatous patches. Reishi extract also reduces hardened cholesterol in the arteries and softens the blood vessel wall to avoid further damage. Reishi prevents strokes by improving blood circulation and inhibiting the aggregation of platelets.
Radiation Damage Protection
Studies found that reishi extract strengthens the effects of radiation therapy while acting directly against the tumor. The investigation also reveals that reishi extract boosts the immune system to manage radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatment better. Reishi extract is also found to ease symptoms of chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, fever, infection, weight loss, and hair loss.

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