Although ganoderma has many benefits and is suitable for everyone in principle, some ganoderma lucidum side effects will happen to people with the following symptoms:

1. Fever with Chillines
The symptom of fever with chillines is caused by a cold. The body has a fever, but it is particularly afraid of cold.

This symptom occurs because the human body becomes weak after the cold. If you choose reishi supplementation before 100% health recovery, it will make the cold more serious.

2. Hyperthyroidism of Yin with Internal Heat
Hyperthyroidism of Yin with internal heat is caused by a strong deficiency fire in human body.

People with this symptom will be accompanied by heat fear, dry stools, and getting angry easily.

Reishi supplementation will make your fire more vigorous.

3, One Week Before or After Surgery or People with Massive Haemorrhage
If the patient is going to have a surgery or had a surgery within one week, or has massive haemorrhage, reishi supplementation is not recommended at this time, because the patient is in a relatively fragile state at this time, the body may not bear the nutrients of reishi.

After the body’s vitality recovers slightly, it will speed up the recovery period by taking it in an appropriate amount.

4.People Who are Allergic to Reishi
Ganoderma lucidum is a fungus. Related studies showed that approximately one in 1,000 people will experience itchy skin after taking ganoderma. If you happen to be allergic to ganoderma, you should not take ganoderma.

5. People with Immune Disorders
Regulating immunity is to enhance the immune system when it’s poor. Ganoderma helps to regulate the immune system of the human body.

But if your own immune function is already in a state of dysfunction, then don’t take ganoderma at this time.

When your immunity recovers to a normal state, reishi supplementation will be a good regulator.

Other Ganoderma Lucidum Side Effects
Many people reported slight discomfort reactions after eating reishi, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and increased excretion.

These symptoms are usually a detoxification reaction by reishi, which is regulating your health condition. The following are the mild symptoms that ganoderma lucidum supplementation may cause :

High blood pressure: you feel heavier in the head for 1-2 weeks.
Anemia: depending on their condition, some people will have a slight nosebleed especially women).
Bad stomach: a burning sensation in the chest and poor appetite.
Gastric ulcers: the ulcers can be painful.
Gastroptosis: you have a certain feeling of heavyness in the stomach.
Bad bowel: symptoms of diarrhea.
Poor liver: gas and sometimes vomiting.
Cirrhosis: sometimes bloody stools.
Kidney disease: protein in the body will temporarily drop slightly. Slight swelling on the face.
Diabetes: blood sugar will rise temporarily. Slight swelling of hands and feet.
Hemorrhoids: temporary bleeding.