General Details

Product name: Bitter Orange Extract
Plant latin name: Citrus aurantium L.
Main constituents: Synephrine 6-98%
Appearance: Brown powder

Health Benefits

Synephrine is the main ingredient in Citrus aurantium extract, which can effectively prevent excess energy, warm the stomach, promote appetite, and accelerate metabolism. It can accelerate fat metabolism without the adverse cardiovascular effects of ephedra patients. It is also a mild expectorant, a nervine sedative, and a laxative for constipation.

Studies have found that the main effects of synephrine are fat oxidation and weight loss, so synephrine is often used as an active ingredient in weight loss drugs.

Product effects:

Synephrine is the main active ingredient in Citrus aurantium fruit, which can effectively prevent excess energy (heat storage), disperse wind and regulate qi, warm the stomach, promote appetite, and accelerate metabolism. Lime can theoretically accelerate fat metabolism without the adverse side effects that affect the cardiovascular system like ephedra patients. Although the role of synephrine in helping to reduce human body fat is still controversial, synephrine has now become an alternative to ephedra. Synephrine is also a mild expectorant, a nervine sedative, and a laxative for constipation.

1. A mild stimulant

Synephrine’s energy-boosting effects have been shown to stimulate the central nervous system. This all-in-one effect may include increased blood circulation to heart and brain tissue, increased blood pressure, and improved mental activity, which makes synephrine easily accessible as a mild stimulant.

2. Antibacterial function

Citrus aurantium extract is a non-toxic, organic antiseptic product. In test tube tests, it has been shown to inhibit bacterial growth while inhibiting certain viruses’ ability to infect. As a result, the extract is widely used as a disinfectant solvent component, food or cosmetic preservative, and industrially as a bactericide, antibacterial agent, antiparasitic agent, and antimicrobial agent.

3. Digestive discomfort

According to traditional usage, Citrus aurantium extract can stimulate gastric functions such as relaxation and reduced flatulence, thereby improving the activity of the digestive system. It may also help reduce nausea and eliminate stomach discomfort such as flatulence and bloating.

4. Weight loss

The most likely explanation for the weight loss function of Citrus aurantium extract is the amphetamine-like effect of the alkaloids. While the effects may be slightly inferior to those of ephedra (ephedrine) and less active than ephedra, users can expect a variety of effects, including burning excess calories, reducing appetite, and increasing satiety, all of which may lead to weight loss. A study on dogs also showed that synephrine can increase the metabolic rate of a special type of fat tissue called brown adipose tissue.

Because synephrine and various other components in Citrus aurantium are structurally similar to ephedrine and act as stimulants for specific adrenergic receptors (Beta-3, but not Beta-1, Beta-2, or Alpha-1), Citrus aurantium does not hurt the central nervous system like ephedra, which stimulates all beta-adrenergic receptors.


Synephrine is an ingredient extracted from Citrus aurantium. It has been included in the Nordic Pharmacopoeia and the German Pharmacopoeia. Synephrine is a natural stimulant of the 21st century without any side effects or positive reactions. It is widely used in the healthcare industry such as medicine, food, and beverages.