Brief Introduction

Product Name: Coix Seed Oil
Source:Seeds of the plant Coix lacryma-jobi L.var.mayuen(Roman.)Stap
Production Method:CO2 Supercritical CO2 Extraction
Appearance:Slight yellow Liquid
Nutrients:Coixenolide, monoglyceride,diglyceride, triglyceride,triterpenoids and unsaturated fatty acids. The content of linoleic acid and oleic acid is above 75%.

Buy Coix Seed Oil

Health Benefits

Coix seed oil is rich in many nutrients, coixenolide is a recognized effective substance against tumors in various systems, anti-cancer has become the most important function of coix seed oil. As a natural chemical product, coix seed oil has few side effects, which is of great significance to drug development and clinical guidance. At present, scholars have carried on the related experiments and clinical application researches.

Coix seed oil can inhibit the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells.

It was found that the pancreatic cancer Bx⁃PC⁃3 cells were significantly inhibited after coix seed oil was used. The best valid period was about 36 h. Further experiments showed that the inhibition of positive expression of vascular endothelial growth factor protein and vascular formation to inhibit cancer indirectly.

The experimental and clinical results also showed that coixenolide can reduce the invasion and migration ability of cancer cells. It has different effects on gastric cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer.

Coix seed oil has whitening effect. it is rich in vitamins E, has antioxidant function, and plays a very important role in inhibiting toxic lipid peroxides, stabilizing unsaturated fatty acids, maintaining cell membrane integrity, anti-aging and so on.

Coix seed oil can promote the metabolism of blood and water in the body, has the function of reducing fat and losing weight.

Coix seed oil also contains many vitamins and minerals, has the function of promoting metabolism and reducing gastrointestinal burden, it can be used as a supplement food for patients in or after illness.