The main effects of sea buckthorn oil include protecting the heart, protecting the liver, protecting the nervous system, protecting the respiratory system, preventing and improving cancer, reducing inflammation, accelerating wound healing, whitening the skin, strengthening the spleen and stomach, protecting the endocrine system, preventing and treating cerebrovascular diseases, and protecting the blood circulation system.

  1. Anti-inflammatory and accelerated wound healing

Vitamin A, vitamin E, and seabuckthorn flavonoids in seabuckthorn work together to reduce inflammation and accelerate wound healing.

Vitamin A in seabuckthorn helps the synthesis of collagen and the production of collagen fibers. In addition, it also helps to improve epithelial tissue; vitamin E has antioxidant properties; seabuckthorn flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory effects, so they help promote the healing of wounds and ulcers; zinc helps to synthesize proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotide fibers, epithelial cells and promote nuclear division; magnesium can reduce the generation of phagocytes and heal wounds by providing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and tissue regeneration substances. At the same time, terpenes (fruit acids) in seabuckthorn oil also positively affect wound healing, ulcer healing, and pain relief and inflammation.

Seabuckthorn oil can also play a role in burns and scalds, because seabuckthorn can provide the heat energy required for high-calorie consumption after burns, replacing protein decomposition; it can regulate the body’s metabolic state, reverse high metabolism after burns, and reduce the negative nitrogen balance caused by high metabolism.

Therefore, seabuckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration effects. It can heal burns, scalds, and traumatic skin; the skin will be smooth and flat after healing without leaving scars. It also has a good effect on eliminating scars at the wound healing site.

  1. Protect the nervous system

Seabuckthorn seed oil is rich in linolenic acid and linoleic acid, which are the precursors of DHA and EPA. DHA is one of the most basic components of the human brain nervous system and is known as the “brain gold”. It is responsible for transmitting instructions in the brain, and memory and thinking also rely on DHA. Therefore, taking more linolenic acid and linoleic acid can improve brain function and memory ability, and has the effect of preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Protect the blood circulation system

Seabuckthorn total flavonoids (TFH) can improve myocardial blood supply, enhance heart function, increase vascular elasticity, and treat angina pectoris with an effective rate of 94%. Studies have shown that seabuckthorn oil significantly reduces serum total cholesterol and can increase serum high-density lipoprotein and liver lipid content. It can also significantly increase the amount of capillary opening in the mesentery, as well as the diameter of arterioles and venules.

  1. Protect the endocrine system

The active ingredients in seabuckthorn oil can act on various parts of the endocrine system.

The vitamins and trace elements contained in seabuckthorn oil can effectively control the human endocrine system and increase the oxygen content of brain cells. Amino acids can promote the synthesis of brain protein and acetylcholine, hyaluronic acid, dopamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine, and effectively regulate the neuroendocrine system, so it has a certain effect on patients with long-term insomnia.

In addition, the organic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, phytosterols, amino acids, etc. in seabuckthorn can assist in comprehensive conditioning and nutritional supplementation, calm nerves, and promote metabolism from the endocrine system, circulatory system, autonomic nervous system, digestive system, etc.

  1. Protect the heart

Seabuckthorn juice, total flavonoids, and seed oil can relieve angina pectoris caused by coronary heart disease.

The main antioxidants in seabuckthorn are vitamin C and phenols. Tocopherol is a fat-soluble molecule. There are many forms of tocopherol in seabuckthorn. In earlier reports, the content of vitamin E in seabuckthorn seed oil is 61~113 mg, and in fruit oil, it is 162~255 mg/100 g. In addition, the content of carotenoids in seabuckthorn oil is also very rich. Seabuckthorn oil contains 314-2139 mg/100 g of carotenoids. Fruit oil contains 5~10 g/kg of carotenoids. Carotenoids are solidified in cells and soft fruit cell membranes to exert their antioxidant properties and keep membrane lipids intact.

In addition, clinical evidence shows that seabuckthorn juice, total flavonoids, and seed oil can relieve angina pectoris caused by coronary heart disease, which is manifested in the disappearance or alleviation of symptoms, improvement of ischemic electrocardiogram, and relief of angina pectoris.

Seabuckthorn seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, including oleic acid and linoleic acid, which have the effect of lowering cholesterol, and linolenic acid, which is not easy to get from food. It can be seen that the composition of seabuckthorn, a natural plant, can be described as incomparable.

  1. Protect the liver

Seabuckthorn seed oil contains a special “oily SOD”, which has a good effect on tissues and organs with a high-fat content (such as the liver).

Seabuckthorn seed oil also contains antioxidant vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin E, as well as antioxidants and flavonoids, so it has a good effect on repelling free radicals.

Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body. Therefore, for the liver to function normally, it is very important to fully ingest the above vitamins through food. From this point of view, seabuckthorn seed oil is also an indispensable substance for preventing and treating liver disease.

The phospholipids contained in seabuckthorn seed oil are also closely related to the liver. Phospholipids can activate cells, maintain normal liver function, prevent fat accumulation in the liver, and promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin E.

Therefore, in addition to taking more high-quality protein, we should also take in the seven essential amino acids and thirteen non-essential amino acids contained in seabuckthorn seed oil, so that the function of the liver can be improved more effectively.

  1. Strengthen the spleen and stomach

Seabuckthorn seed oil is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, of which linoleic acid has the effect of inhibiting excessive gastric acid secretion. These ingredients play a key role in sea buckthorn’s ability to treat and prevent gastric and intestinal diseases. It is because they can protect mucous membranes and improve our immunity. In recent years, clinical studies at home and abroad have also proven that sea buckthorn seed oil has significant effects on improving digestive system disorders, gastroenteritis, and indigestion.

Sea buckthorn oil is also rich in vitamin E, carotene unsaturated fatty acids, etc., which can inhibit the development of tissue inflammation, promote metabolism, and promote ulcer healing. It contains 5-hydroxytryptamine and other biologically active ingredients that can selectively activate choline interneurons in the gastrointestinal tract and 5-HT4 receptors in the myenteric plexus, promoting the release of acetylcholine, thereby producing gastrointestinal stimulation. effect.

  1. Protect the respiratory system

The ratio of linolenic acid to linoleic acid in seabuckthorn oil is close to 1:1, which is much better than the internationally recognized ratio standard. Therefore, if a certain amount of seabuckthorn oil can be taken every day, various inflammations in the human body, especially critical inflammations, will disappear quietly, including critical inflammations in the respiratory system.

Among respiratory diseases, asthma seriously threatens human life and is a difficult disease to treat. Drug treatment can only relieve symptoms.

However, experts unexpectedly found that children who consume seabuckthorn oil are not prone to asthma. This is because asthma is also an inflammation. The linolenic acid contained in seabuckthorn oil can play a role, thereby greatly reducing the severity of asthma reactions and improving lung function.

  1. Prevent and treat cerebrovascular diseases

The interaction between the antioxidant enzyme SOD, antioxidant vitamins, and antioxidant flavonoids contained in seabuckthorn seed oil can effectively remove free radicals.

In my country, one person dies of a stroke every 21 seconds. The third national death cause survey in 2008 showed that stroke has surpassed tumors and respiratory diseases to become the number one cause of death among Chinese residents.

We have mentioned many times before the super strong effect of seabuckthorn in anti-oxidation and scavenging free radicals. The interaction between the antioxidant enzyme SOD, antioxidant vitamins, and antioxidant flavonoids contained in seabuckthorn seed oil can effectively remove free radicals. Furthermore, seabuckthorn seed oil contains various unsaturated amino acids, phospholipids, rutin, etc., which also have the effect of lowering cholesterol.

  1. Prevent and improve cancer

To prevent and improve cancer, free radicals must be removed. Seabuckthorn seed oil is a scavenger for removing free radicals.

The latest figures released by the National Cancer Center show that the incidence of malignant tumors in the country is 270.59/100,000 and the mortality rate is 163.83/100,000. Lung cancer ranks first in the incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in the country, and about 591,000 people die from lung cancer each year.

Radiotherapy for cancer is one of the traditional treatment methods and one of the most commonly used treatment methods in clinical practice. The purpose of this method is to generate a large number of free radicals through radiation, and then kill the free radicals in cancer cells through free radicals. However, free radicals will harm normal cells around them.

Qin Yukun, director of the Oncology Department of Tianjin People’s Hospital, and others confirmed in “Observation on the Clinical Efficacy of Seabuckthorn Seed Oil in Preventing and Treating Acute Radiation Mucositis” (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2008, 6, 13, 6) that seabuckthorn seed oil can reduce the toxicity grade of acute radiation oral mucositis, relieve acute radiation pain, and has a good effect on acute radiation esophageal mucositis, which helps to smoothly complete the whole process of radiotherapy.

To prevent and improve cancer, free radicals must be removed. And seabuckthorn seed oil is a scavenger for removing free radicals because seabuckthorn contains rich antioxidant substances, such as oxidase SOD substances, vitamins, and various flavonoids, which have a very good effect on preventing and improving cancer.

  1. Prevent and improve cancer

To prevent and improve cancer, free radicals must be removed. Seabuckthorn seed oil is a scavenger for removing free radicals.

The latest figures released by the National Cancer Center show that the incidence of malignant tumors in the country is 270.59/100,000 and the mortality rate is 163.83/100,000. Lung cancer ranks first in the incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in the country, and about 591,000 people die from lung cancer each year.

Radiotherapy for cancer is one of the traditional treatment methods and one of the most commonly used treatment methods in clinical practice. The purpose of this method is to generate a large number of free radicals through radiation, and then kill the free radicals in cancer cells through free radicals. However, free radicals will harm normal cells around them.

Qin Yukun, director of the Oncology Department of Tianjin People’s Hospital, and others confirmed in “Observation on the Clinical Efficacy of Seabuckthorn Seed Oil in Preventing and Treating Acute Radiation Mucositis” (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2008, 6, 13, 6) that seabuckthorn seed oil can reduce the toxicity grade of acute radiation oral mucositis, relieve acute radiation pain, and has a good effect on acute radiation esophageal mucositis, which helps to smoothly complete the whole process of radiotherapy.

To prevent and improve cancer, free radicals must be removed. And seabuckthorn seed oil is a scavenger for removing free radicals because seabuckthorn contains rich antioxidant substances, such as oxidase SOD substances, vitamins, and various flavonoids, which have a very good effect on preventing and improving cancer.

  1. Whitening skincare

For women who love beauty, sea buckthorn not only has the effect of whitening and skin care but also has anti-freckle and antioxidant effects.

The content of free fatty acids, hydrocarbons, and phospholipids in spicy salad oil is several times or even dozens of times higher than that of our common vegetable oils, such as cottonseed oil, camellia oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, and olive oil. The total sterol content of sea buckthorn seed oil is more than twice that of camellia seed oil and olive oil, nearly seven times that of sesame oil, and more than 2,000 times that of cottonseed oil and safflower seed oil. Therefore, it can be said qualitatively that the content of sterol esters and free sterols in sea buckthorn seed oil is higher than that in camellia seed oil, sesame oil, and olive oil, and much higher than that in cottonseed oil and safflower seed oil. Sea buckthorn seed oil is rich in alcohol, which means it provides a rich source of vitamin D.

Compared with other similar vegetable oils, sea buckthorn seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, free fatty acids, hydrocarbons, sterols, phospholipids, and fat-soluble vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin A sources. It can be said that it is comprehensively nutritious and effective for the skin. Significantly. Therefore, sea buckthorn seed oil is a natural and ideal skin nutrient without any side effects.